Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Crucible.

Reverend Parris:~ John Reilly

 I chose John Reilly because I think that when he acts serious he could be a great preacher, man of god, He struck me as a person that has authority and power, similar to Reverend Parris.

 Tituba:~ Whoopi Goldberg

 I chose Whoopi Goldberg because she strikes me as someone that would know about Voodooism, as bad as that is to say but she really does... and she has a past with singing which Tituba in the play sings also and she is a really great actress that could play any part you asked her too.

 Abigail Williams:~ Keira Knightley

 I chose Kiera Knightley because she is pretty good looking and seems like she could get another man to cheat on his wife for her. Also she seems like someone who a lot of people would believe because of her authority and loud voice.

 Thomas Putnam:~ Nicolas Cage

 Nicolas Cage seemed like the perfect person to act as Thomas Putnam because he strikes me as a wealthy wise man. Nicolas Cage also has the appearance of someone who could play in the time period of  The Crucible.

 Goody Putnam:~ Drew Barrymore

 I picked Drew Barrymore as Goody Putnam because she looks like a good wife of a rich land owner. Drew Barrymore has played in movies that were set back in earlier times and I think that is why I ultimately chose Drew Barrymore for this part.

 John Proctor:~ Hugh Jackman

 Hugh Jackman has to be the best person to play John Proctor he can play a great cow boy/ early time actor. he's large in stature and seems like a person who would have affair with his wife.

 Elizabeth Proctor:~ Mary Steenburg

 I know this actress is a little old, but she seems like a responsible wife that would know how to play the part. I could picture in my mind of her playing a part in the 1500's.

Marry Warren:~ Anne Hathaway

 Anne Hathaway looks like a follower not a leader but smart, much like marry warren how she followed Abigail in the witch hunt. Anne Hathaway could play a great Mary, a follower and a deceiver.

 Goody Rebeca Nurse:~ Bea Arthur

I chose Bea Arthur because she is an older woman that looks like she could be a wise grandma that knows much about children and how they act much like Goody Rebeca Nurse.

 Reverend Hale:~ Willem Dafoe

Willem Dafoe struck me as someone who could be a great Witch Hunter! kind of a creepy man with authority and power with great knowledge, that is what I thought of when I looked at Willem Dafoe, I think he would play a great part for The Crucible as Reverend Hale.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Honesty is the best Policy.

   Honesty is the best policy. Honesty creates a safe environment for workers, friends, and family. Yeah there is the occasional, " do I look fat in this dress?" that would be best to not tell the full truth sometimes, but instead maybe help the person by saying that maybe the dress is pretty just a little small, something that would not offend the person. Honesty should always be the best policy anywhere you are.
   Honesty in transactions and dealings is very crucial, without honesty in dealings or transactions there can be many problems that lead to disaster such as stealing, cheating, lying, and many other dishonest things. This honesty trust is mostly found in the work environment. The most successful businesses out there are honest trustworthy work environments where customers and employees feel safe.
  Family and honesty is important because the home and family have a big impact on lives and how people act. Therefore the impact of the home and family can transfer to work environments, that is why having an honesty code in homes is good  not only does it help transfer to the work environment but it creates a more trustworthy reliable source for you.
  Friends should be honest with each other, even though sometimes that's not always the case but honest friends can and do benefit from honesty. When a friend promises to keep a secret but then fails it kind of sucks, that is why honesty should be kept and used with friends. Sometimes even untrue things such as rumors can spread about you and usually they can be lead back to a secret or a simple lie because one of your friends or peers was not honest.
 Work, family, friends, should all have an honesty as the best policy because it creates a safe environment for those around you and those you are dealing with. Honesty is always the best policy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Yes, my blog is made!

Konichiwa everybody! I have made this blog as an assignment, cant wait to use it!