Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Crucible.

Reverend Parris:~ John Reilly

 I chose John Reilly because I think that when he acts serious he could be a great preacher, man of god, He struck me as a person that has authority and power, similar to Reverend Parris.

 Tituba:~ Whoopi Goldberg

 I chose Whoopi Goldberg because she strikes me as someone that would know about Voodooism, as bad as that is to say but she really does... and she has a past with singing which Tituba in the play sings also and she is a really great actress that could play any part you asked her too.

 Abigail Williams:~ Keira Knightley

 I chose Kiera Knightley because she is pretty good looking and seems like she could get another man to cheat on his wife for her. Also she seems like someone who a lot of people would believe because of her authority and loud voice.

 Thomas Putnam:~ Nicolas Cage

 Nicolas Cage seemed like the perfect person to act as Thomas Putnam because he strikes me as a wealthy wise man. Nicolas Cage also has the appearance of someone who could play in the time period of  The Crucible.

 Goody Putnam:~ Drew Barrymore

 I picked Drew Barrymore as Goody Putnam because she looks like a good wife of a rich land owner. Drew Barrymore has played in movies that were set back in earlier times and I think that is why I ultimately chose Drew Barrymore for this part.

 John Proctor:~ Hugh Jackman

 Hugh Jackman has to be the best person to play John Proctor he can play a great cow boy/ early time actor. he's large in stature and seems like a person who would have affair with his wife.

 Elizabeth Proctor:~ Mary Steenburg

 I know this actress is a little old, but she seems like a responsible wife that would know how to play the part. I could picture in my mind of her playing a part in the 1500's.

Marry Warren:~ Anne Hathaway

 Anne Hathaway looks like a follower not a leader but smart, much like marry warren how she followed Abigail in the witch hunt. Anne Hathaway could play a great Mary, a follower and a deceiver.

 Goody Rebeca Nurse:~ Bea Arthur

I chose Bea Arthur because she is an older woman that looks like she could be a wise grandma that knows much about children and how they act much like Goody Rebeca Nurse.

 Reverend Hale:~ Willem Dafoe

Willem Dafoe struck me as someone who could be a great Witch Hunter! kind of a creepy man with authority and power with great knowledge, that is what I thought of when I looked at Willem Dafoe, I think he would play a great part for The Crucible as Reverend Hale.


  1. Sorry I have been really busy... and lazy sorry English group!

  2. I think it was a good choice to put Willem Dafoe as Rev, Hale. Because he is a little creepy and seems that he would have fit in to that time period.

  3. I think Mary Steenburg could be a play Goody Proctor really well. Isn't she the mom on Elf?

  4. Drew Barrymore was a good choice for Goody Putnam
