Thursday, November 11, 2010

Honesty is the best Policy.

   Honesty is the best policy. Honesty creates a safe environment for workers, friends, and family. Yeah there is the occasional, " do I look fat in this dress?" that would be best to not tell the full truth sometimes, but instead maybe help the person by saying that maybe the dress is pretty just a little small, something that would not offend the person. Honesty should always be the best policy anywhere you are.
   Honesty in transactions and dealings is very crucial, without honesty in dealings or transactions there can be many problems that lead to disaster such as stealing, cheating, lying, and many other dishonest things. This honesty trust is mostly found in the work environment. The most successful businesses out there are honest trustworthy work environments where customers and employees feel safe.
  Family and honesty is important because the home and family have a big impact on lives and how people act. Therefore the impact of the home and family can transfer to work environments, that is why having an honesty code in homes is good  not only does it help transfer to the work environment but it creates a more trustworthy reliable source for you.
  Friends should be honest with each other, even though sometimes that's not always the case but honest friends can and do benefit from honesty. When a friend promises to keep a secret but then fails it kind of sucks, that is why honesty should be kept and used with friends. Sometimes even untrue things such as rumors can spread about you and usually they can be lead back to a secret or a simple lie because one of your friends or peers was not honest.
 Work, family, friends, should all have an honesty as the best policy because it creates a safe environment for those around you and those you are dealing with. Honesty is always the best policy.